Sound Ecology

Who we are

Sound Ecology LLC is a worker owned co-op that specializes in ecological restoration projects and native plant landscaping in the greater Seattle area. We provide a variety of services ranging from invasive species removal, native plant installation, mulching, erosion control, and routine maintenance to ensure our project’s success, and we are licensed, bonded, and insured.

The benefits

Native plants create critical wildlife habitat, providing food and shelter for birds, mammals, and insects, as well as providing crucial support for pollinators like bees and butterflies. In addition to being a vital part of the food web, native plants also contribute to soil health, help reduce erosion, and improve air and water quality.

Our qualifications

We are a group of restoration professionals who are passionate about our field and our work. Through the work that we do, we strive not only to support healthy forests and green spaces, but also healthy communities that benefit from improved environmental health and a deeper connection to the land.

We are licensed, bonded and insured as well as CESCL (Certified Erosion & Sediment Control) and Rainwise certified. Our contractor license number is CC SOUNDEL774J8.